"Polly helps us all to
think about the way we do things, to put people first and foremost in the decisions we
make. Polly is also a challenge and a privilege to manage, she never lets anything go
and... also influenced the way we all work, our values and those of our partner
organisations. We are now being guided by a 'citizen centered' policy drive from the Welsh
Assembly Government and while most of us are still getting to grips with what this means,
Polly has been putting service users at the centre for many years... Polly is a
force for change and good in the world..."
"We think of
ourselves as Polly's paratroopers (often we together with Polly found ourselves in
situations where Service User Involvement was questioned) but with Polly in our corner we
knew that if there was a fight to take, then Polly would take it.
She would often... invite herself to a closed meeting, her intention obvious, to support
Service Users.
Now what Polly has taught us has rubbed off on us, because now we use our voices in many
situations, I confess that sometimes I imagine Polly still sat next to me giving me the
confidence and support... we all owe such a great debt to her courage and
"Polly has given me
strength, support guidance, understanding, an overwhelming feeling of confidence, respect
and recognition. Above all this she gave me a voice."
"When my depression
struck ... Polly, with her knowledge and understanding of the condition and above
all her innate wisdom and kindness, would always listen, never be judgmental and never
turn me away."
"She is always very
supportive and encouraging to others... as I am so quiet she always encourages me to
participate and voice my opinions."